Dayz How To Make Fire

Fire is Dayz is one of the crucial things you need to learn when playing Dayz. It will be even hard for you to survive a night without fire. Fire protects from various illnesses, allows you to cook food, and provides you with a light source in the dark. In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to start a fire in DayZ.
Fire in Dayz consists of 3 main ingredients you need to collect: Kindling, Fuel, and Fire Starter Kit.
Step 1: Kindling
Before you can lay anything to flames you need something small to get your fire going this could include a piece of paper, a rag, a bandage, or a piece of tree bark/light bark that can be collected by using a knife on a tree.
Step 2: Fuel
Kindling is purely a fire starter it won’t be effective or last very long after being lit. So you’ll need to collect firewood by chopping trees down with an axe/hatchet or short sticks collected from bushes with a knife or any sharp object, you can also break down long sticks to make three short ones.
Step 3: Fire Starter
Now that you have what you need to make a fire you’ll obviously need something to light it. You can obviously use a lighter or matches but if those aren’t available and you can’t find any you can use a lit road flare. Also, you can craft an improvised hand drill kit by combining one short stick with one piece of tree bark.
Step 4: Crafting
Now you have all the pieces to the puzzle here are your options when it comes to setting things up and actually lighting that baby up in flames.
Combine the kindling and the fuel together in your inventory menu this should give you an option to craft a fireplace.
Do this and then left-click with the fireplace in your hands and you should be given a prompt to place the fire on the ground to be lit. In order for a place-down fireplace to be lit, it must be outdoors. To start an indoor fire you can attach your crafted fireplace to the brick fireplace or a wood stove by holding the fire pit in your hands and attaching it directly to the indoor fireplace. You can also just attach each item individually to achieve the same result.
Lastly, if you’d like to avoid the time it takes to craft a fireplace by hand you can also just drop your kindling outside or place it by itself in the fireplace and then light that on fire. After that, you can chuck the fuel on and boom you have a fireplace without all that crafting crap.