How to Remove Walls in RUST

Walls are what make bases rust. They can vary Twig, Wood up to Armored. The question is if you were to place a wall by mistake how would you go about removing it? Are you gonna waste a c4 to raid yourself or there is another way? Lucky going ham with the bom bom is not the only way. In this tutorial, we will dive deeply into how the building mechanics works in rust for walls.
In order to understand how we will remove a wall, we need to know the type of wall we are dealing with. In rust, there are 5 types of walls:
Material Type | Health Points |
Twig | 10 |
Wood | 250 |
Stone | 500 |
Metal | 1000 |
Armored | 2000 |
Every type of wall has advantages and disadvantages, and there are numerous factors to take into account before demolishing a wall. Your strategy for demolition will change depending on how much access you have to the wall and what tools you have available, regardless of whether you own the wall or it belongs to someone else.
There are Several Ways to Remove Walls in RUST
- Using a Building Hammer
- Fire & Picking
- Explosives AKA Raiding
- Decay Timers
Using a Building Hammer
If you’re looking to remove particular walls within your base, you are still not out of luck yet. Once you place a wall, a 10-minute countdown starts. During these 10 minutes, you can demolish the wall by equipping a building hammer, right-clicking on the wall, and selecting the demolish icon. Keep in mind that only works if you have access to the Tool Cupboard.
However, once the 10 minutes elapses, the wall becomes as solid as any other wall in RUST, and you’ll have to remove it the same way you would a wall in an enemy’s base. Fortunately for you, within your base, you’ll have access to the soft side of the wall, making pulling it down considerably easier which we will talk about next.
Fire & Picking
– Burning Wooden Walls in RUST
If the wall is still twig, then any melee tool or weapon will make quick work of the twig. Twig is only expected to be the building base for the structure and is never intended as a long-term part of any structure in RUST. Once you upgraded your wall to a wood type, you can now think of using fire-based tools to burn the structure down.
One of the best tools to burn down walls is a Flame Thrower, taking just over 40 seconds and 200 fuel to burn down. In contrast to Fire Arrows of which you’ll need 125 per wall costing over 600 Low-Grade Fuel. Both flame throwers and fire arrows are pretty silent. Molotov is also a tool you ca use, you need 4 Molotovs to burn down a wall in comparison you will need 2 Molotovs to burn down a wooden door or 1 for double door. Molotov need 50 low-grade and 10 cloth at a tier 2 bench.
However, if you’re looking to burn the wall down fast and you have a deep pocket, an Incendiary Rocket will take 20 seconds to burn out a wooden wall, be aware that it is loud enough to wake up every nearby player.
– Picking Through Walls in RUST
Picking out RUST walls is often the player’s first exposure to raiding in RUST. But what it saves you in materials is made up in time. For picking to be effective, you need a group of players to pick with you.
It’s important to note that walls have a hard and soft side in RUST. If the wall is in your base, always angle to take it down by the hard side. In an enemy’s base, you will more likely be attacking the hard side at all times, assuming their base setup is correct. Refer to the pictures listed below:
Each tool has a different health bar and the amount of time required to pick through a wall using it. Typically, The more advanced the tool the more it is effective at picking. For example, a pickaxe is better at picking than let’s say a spear. The more advanced the tool the more it is effective picking.
The two best and least expensive tools are salvaged axes and wooden spears. To break a wooden wall, you will need 59 wooden spears and 26 minutes of hitting it none stop. In contrast, it would take just 7 minutes and six Salvaged Axes to destroy the same wall type.
Stone walls require far more patience to pick through and have double the health of wood walls, it is still doable though. It will take an absurd amount of time to pick through walls after they are upgraded to metal or armored so don’t even bother.
Explosives AKA Raiding
In RUST, you will frequently need to use explosives when raiding a target. There are benefits and disadvantages to each explosive type. In RUST, blowing through walls is possible with satchel charges and C4. They are, however, much more efficient at blowing apart or removing doors. Here is picture of the cost table:
– Satchels and C4
A metal wall will require four C4 to knock down. That same amount of C4 could knock down four Sheet Metal Doors or two Armored Doors. Satchels, F1 Grenades, and C4 also suffer compared to other explosives by not having splash damage. They will only damage the exact surface you place them on. If you are sole porpoise is to remove a wall then splash damage is not a concern for you.
– Explosive Ammo
You can break down walls with the help of explosive ammunition fired from a SAR or an assault rifle, which will also cause splash damage to the nearby walls/doors. The explosion will destroy both surfaces if you aim it at a corner or close to a wall joint assuming that you want to get rid of two walls. Since this not a raid guide we won’t get into that.
Material Type | Total Explosive Rounds |
Wood | 49 |
Stone | 185 |
Metal | 400 |
Armored | 799 |
A weapon that fires explosive rounds can be silenced to muffle the gunshot sound, but not the sound of the explosive rounds blowing up. Walls can be quickly destroyed by a group of players firing explosive shots. So be careful not to wake up your neighbors.
– Rockets
Rockets are the most adaptive raiding equipment, however they cost more to make than explosive rounds. They will destroy walls far more quickly than any other explosive with fewer rounds. he trade-off is that rockets are incredibly loud and have a distinct noise that most players will recognize which will drive people right to your location.
Keep in mind for s simple wall removal job rockets or even explosive ammo is a bit extreme, Unless you are rich or end of wipe and your really don’t care.
Material Type | Total Rockets |
Wood | 2 |
Stone | 4 |
Metal | 8 |
Armored | 15 |
Rockets also carry out substantial splash damage. Much like the Explosive Rounds, aiming rockets for near corners and wall joints will capitalize on the splash damage field.
Letting Walls Decay in RUST
The Tool Cupboard of a base can be removed, emptied, or destroyed to remove walls in RUST the cheapest and fastest way possible. The same materials are needed to make basic components as well as tool cupboards, which stop the degradation of buildings.
Once a tool cupboard is removed or emptied, the base will begin to decay unless there are some materials in the cupboard when you destroy it. When destroyed, a well-stocked tool cupboard will inject up to 24 hours of decay protection depending on what was in the cupboard at the time.
Depending on the material each surface was made of, it may take more or less time to decay and break.
Material Type | Total Time |
Twig | 1 Hour |
Wood | 2 Hours |
Stone | 4 Hours |
Metal | 8 Hours |
Armored | 12 Hours |
Walls and structures in rust are one of the basic aspects you need to know to play the game with confidence. Knowing these information might even help you get out of a trap. The most common used way to escape is a spear or pickaxe against stone walls. These two things are the most common and it is worth it the time given you have access to the soft side. Higher tier wall than stone wall is never worth it to try. Using explosive would be the way.